
Republicans attack ‘Cowardly Cuomo’ in press release

ALBANY — After trying just about everything else to goad Gov. Cuomo into a debate, Republicans adopted a new tactic Monday — they depicted him as the Cowardly Lion from “The Wizard of Oz.”

In a clear attempt to get under the governor’s skin, the state GOP sent out a press release featuring a picture of the famed lion with Cuomo’s face inserted over that of Bert Lahr, the actor who played the lion in the legendary 1939 movie.

“Cuomo Lacks the Nerve to Engage in Serious Debate,” the press release proclaimed.

Asked why the party was resorting to such taunting measures, spokesman David Laska got right to the point: “It is simple — the governor is afraid to debate,” he said.

But lion or no, Cuomo wasn’t biting. His campaign gave no indication that he would participate in a single debate, either against Republican Rob Astorino or Democratic challenger Zephyr Teachout.

Cable channel NY1 is giving Cuomo until Thursday to respond to its invitation to debate Teachout, saying it will provide airtime to Teachout and her lieutenant-governor running mate, Tim Wu, if the governor doesn’t show up. The situation has become so desperate for Cuomo’s rivals that they’ve made plans to debate one another on radio next week.

Good-government groups have been imploring Cuomo to discuss the issues with his opponents. He’s ignored them.

Political observers have said that’s standard operating procedure for a front-runner who, in Cuomo’s case, is leading his GOP rival 56 to 28 percent in the latest Quinnipiac University poll.

“Why would he want to give his opponents, either one, public exposure given he is 30 points up in the polls?” asked Siena College political-science chairman Leonard Cutler.

A debate could also focus attention on controversial issues — such as hydrofracking — that the governor isn’t eager to address, Cutler pointed out.

With limited campaign funds and little name recognition, Teach­out on Monday tried to smoke out Cuomo by going after his running mate, former US Rep. Kathy Hochul. In a one-minute video released by Teachout’s campaign, Hochul boasts of her conservative credentials and her vote against ObamaCare — neither of which would endear her to left-leaning voters in the Sept. 9 Democratic primary.

“I’ve always had the Conservative Party’s endorsement every time I’ve run for office,” Hochul says in the video compilation of her previous statements.

Teachout also blasted Hochul for being only one of 14 Democratic members of Congress to vote to eliminate breast- and cervical-cancer screenings for some women. The state chapter of the National Organization for Women has endorsed Teachout.