Sex & Relationships

Visual artist seeks a lady who can handle any subject matter

Eric, 35

Is ready to get serious with someone who isn’t afraid to be silly.

Flexible schedule: Eric practices yoga at least once a week.

Bonjour!: After college, Eric lived in France for four years, and he speaks fluent French.

Off the beaten path: Eric enjoys traveling to far-flung places for adventure. He’s planning a trip to the Arctic Circle.

Family guy: He’s happiest when he’s spending time with his younger brother.

Knows the step: He used to dance the tango and says he can cut a rug better than most.

Rider in the storm: Rain or shine or snow, he bikes from his Brooklyn home to work in Manhattan every day.

Side gig: If Eric weren’t already pursuing his dreams of interactive video art, he says he would have liked to put his guitar and piano skills to use toward a music career.

Ariel, 28

ArielBrian Zak


She is: Careful about her appearance. “I think it’s important to stay in shape and dress nicely,” says Ariel.

She wants: A family guy. “I love being with my brothers,” Ariel says.

Favorite movie: “Mean Girls”

Spiked balls: Her favorite sport is volleyball, but she also enjoys biking.

Eye candy: She likes broad shoulders on men.

Bar order: Rum or vodka and Diet Coke

On the go: Ariel travels frequently to visit friends in other parts of the country.

Shari, 41

ShariTamara Beckwith


She is:  a workaholic. “I’m very independent and career-driven,” says Shari.

She wants: A guy with an interesting life. “He should have his own passion and expose me to new things,” Shari says.

Hop around: She owns a pet rabbit.

All love: She enjoys playing tennis.

Fishy taste: Shari is quite the foodie, and she especially loves seafood.

Jaw drop: Strong cheekbones always catch her eye.

Celebrity crush: David Beckham

Megan, 34

MeganAnne Wermiel

Program manager

She is: independent. “I’m a catch, but I’m not desperate to be caught,” says Megan.

She wants: A guy she can look up to. “I’m short, but I’m always attracted to taller guys,” Megan says.

Slither away: She fears snakes.

Favorite artist: Sarah McLachlan

Hold on: Megan is turned on by a man with nice hands.

Guilty pleasure: On occasion, she will watch ”Real Housewives of New York.”

Brain game: Megan is a whiz at Trivial Pursuit.