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Home intruder victim says chase onto roof was like a horror movie

He was a real-life Freddy Krueger.

The California woman who cowered on her roof half-naked when a homeless freak kicked her door in said on Friday that she felt like she was starring in a slasher flick.

“I felt like I was becoming the plot to a horror movie,” Melora Rivera, 30, told the Daily Mail a day after the harrowing ordeal. “It was terrifying. All my instincts told me I had to get out of there.”

In chilling pictures, Rivera is seen hiding under a gable as the lunatic hovered just a few feet away.

“This guy had kicked my front door in, chased me up to my bedroom and followed me out the window onto the roof. All I could do was hide,” she said.

“If the police hadn’t got there when they did, who knows what could have happened. I thought I might have to jump off the roof. My mind keeps playing over and over all the possible ways this could have played out.”

Rivera said she knew her pursuer was only steps away.

“The dispatcher tried to keep me calm,” she said. “She kept saying, ‘The police have an eye on the suspect, he’s on the roof,’ I was like, ‘I know, I’m on the roof too, ma’am.’ ”

Cops swarmed the scene with guns drawn after a passerby who saw the rooftop drama in progress flagged them down.

“By the time I saw the police cruiser approaching my house, I heard him coming up to my bedroom,” she said. “They arrived just in time.”

Cops eventually talked the deranged man, Christian Hicks, 29, down from the roof and escorted Rivera down a ladder to safety.

Rivera, who had a bit part in the 2012 Whitney Houston film “Sparkle,” had moved into the home just three weeks ago to be closer to her television writing job, according to the Daily Mail.

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