Weird But True

Goat heads found hanging from NYC light pole

You gotta be kid-ding!

Neighbors in Park Slope were baffled by two goat heads dangling from a light pole — prompting a 911 call and a police investigation on Tuesday, witnesses and police sources said.

A crowd of creeped-out onlookers formed under the bloody noggins, which were skinned, tied together with rope and dangling like a pair of tennis shoes on Ninth Street near Fifth Avenue, witnesses said.

It takes a real sicko to do something like that.

 - Resident

“I was shocked. I’ve never seen anything like this … It takes a real sicko to do something like that,” Ted Giannopoulos, 60, told The Post.

He added, “Who would do something so weird?”

Neighbors rushed to remove the heads, at first with a long stick and then a ladder.

Cops are looking into whether the animal heads had been purchased at a butcher shop in the area, police sources said.

Some passers-by snapped photos and tweeted about the ominous scene.

“Uh. Looks like goat heads hanging from traffic light at 9th st. And 5th ave. in Park Slope,” @katiehurd tweeted.

Neighbor Eric McClure quipped, “Those are Nike Air Goatheads.”

The goat heads had been removed by noon Tuesday, said Giannopoulos, who works at Blooms on Fifth flower shop, one block away.

Last March, a furry goat head was discovered in Prospect Park, near the Lincoln Road entrance, with a tag on its ear.

Another decapitated head, found in Prospect Park in 2010, was linked to Santeria.