
O, come on! Woman suffers 90 orgasms an hour

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PGAD sufferer Cara Anaya struggles with her condition on Oct. 11 at her home in Buckeye, Arizona.Dave Cruz/ Barcroft Media
Dave Cruz/ Barcroft Media
Dave Cruz/ Barcroft Media
Dave Cruz/ Barcroft Media
Dave Cruz/ Barcroft Media
Dave Cruz/ Barcroft Media
Dave Cruz/ Barcroft Media
Dave Cruz/ Barcroft Media

Sometimes there really can be too much of a good thing.

An Arizona woman says she suffers from Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, a rare condition that renders her sexually stimulated for hours at a time — and makes her constantly have orgasms.

“It is ruining my life, because it messes with your head,” said stay-at-home mom Cara Anaya, 30. “Your body is running on a high, on an up and down, so it really affects your moods.”

She also said it makes it difficult to look for work.

PGAD sufferer Cara Anaya with her husband, TonyDave Cruz/ Barcroft Media

“You can’t say to your future boss, ‘I may not be able to come in today because I suffer from orgasms,’ he would think you were making it up,” Anaya told Barcroft Media. “But it isn’t just the embarrassment — it’s needing a change of clothes, it’s that moment if you have a bad one and your knees give way and you hurt yourself.”

When Anaya feels an orgasm coming on, she says, the best she can do is keep a straight face and breathe through it: “It will build and build and build inside me and it’s overwhelming. It makes me giggle because of the momentary high and outwardly I look OK, but inwardly it’s a torture.”

On bad days, she can have more than 180 orgasms in two hours. Unsurprisingly, she’s constantly fatigued.

She says she’s tried various diets and exercise routines but nothing has worked. So, for now, all Anaya can do is apply ice, take cold showers and masturbate to keep her arousal under some degree of control.

“I have lost friends who have claimed I’m faking it and my parents found it hard to come to terms with, but they have been there for me,” she said.