
High School principal OK’d racially charged anti-cop poster

A city high-school principal allowed a racially charged, anti-police poster to hang in the hallway — even after the December execution of two officers, The Post has learned.

The sign was made by a student at Frederick Douglass Academy in The Bronx — among several posters protesting the deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Garner that were put up in early December.

“We need justice for Mike Brown and Eric Garner. We can’t let these whites win. Let’s fight for what’s right, because if we don’t, no one will,” reads the poster, which was signed by the student.

NYPD school-safety agents from the 42nd Precinct were stunned when they spotted the hostile message while walking the fourth-floor hallway shortly after the Dec. 20 assassinations of Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, sources said.

A principal noticed the agents zeroing in on the poster and stopped to ask, “Do you have a problem with that?” according to a source.

“No, we were just admiring the artwork,” one officer said sarcastically.

They complained to the school’s safety director, who forwarded a photo of the poster to a Department of Education supervisor.

The principal called the agents’ boss at the 42nd Precinct station house, telling him the poster is a freedom-of-speech matter and that she got a “racist vibe” from the officers, the sources said.

On Tuesday, she amped up her efforts to get the agents to back off, setting up a meeting with the head of the 42nd Precinct.

A Department of Education source said on Tuesday that the poster was eventually taken down after complaints were made, saying, “We encourage students to express their feelings and write about them while maintaining safe and supportive learning environments.”

Chris Kosseh, 18, a 12th-grade friend of the student who made the poster, admitted it went too far. “I understand what the cops go through,” he said, adding that he’s a member of the NYPD’s Explorers program, which teaches teens about law enforcement.

“Maybe the comment on that paper was not called for, but I think maybe she didn’t mean to get racist in it, because really it’s not about whites and blacks. It’s about people who have power and abuse it.”

Additional reporting by Danika Fears and Aaron Short