
Judge tosses model’s million-dollar suit vs. agency

A federal judge has tossed catwalker Ginta Lapina’s $1 million lawsuit against a Manhattan agency, saying an arbitrator — not a judge– should decide whether the top model was duped into a measly $19,700 payday for a Paris photo shoot with fashion legend Karl Lagerfeld that was used in an international hair-product ad campaign.

Manhattan federal Judge Robert Sweet sided with Women Management on Friday by dismissing the Latvian lovely’s 2014 suit and directing the parties to arbitration.

“Women Management is extremely pleased that the judge has dismissed each and every one of Ginta Lapina’s claims, and enforced the arbitration clause in Ms. Lapina’s model management agreement,” said Brian S. Kaplan, a lawyer for Women Management.

Kaplan also said the company plans to pursue monetary damages against Lapina in arbitration “for lost commissions” under the contract she “breached” and to recover legal fees and other expenses

Lapina, 26, is one of the world’s top-grossing models. She says she was told the use of the Lagerfeld photos would be “narrow in scope” when they were actually used to market Schwarzkopf hair products worldwide. She also says she was due a six- or seven-figure payout for working with the designer.

The agency has managed Lapina since 2008, when she appeared at the New York Fashion Show. It claimed that in 2013, she agreed to renew an exclusive management contract through January 2016.

Lapina’s lawyers did not immediately return messages.

Lapina has appeared in ads for Yves Saint Laurent and DKNY and is married to former nightclub owner Adam Hock, 49 — who made news himself when he clocked Monaco’s Prince Pierre Casiraghi in the jaw in a bar brawl in the Meatpacking District in 2012.

Hock, who owned the now-defunct Hawaiian Tropic Zone, copped to disorderly conduct after the brawl at the Double Seven club and had to complete 12 weeks of anger-management counseling.

Lapina is ranked 27th in model earnings worldwide by the industry site, the suit says.