
NYPD cop accused of raping girlfriend’s teen daughter

An off-duty NYPD sergeant carried on a sexual relationship with his girlfriend’s underage daughter for a year and a half before the child reported it to police, cops said Wednesday.

Vladimir Krull, 37, allegedly carried out the relationship with the girl, 14, in The Bronx, while he was dating her mother, according to sources.

He and the mother have since split, a police source said.

The child told police they started the inappropriate relationship in September 2013 and continued it through Sunday, when she reported it, according to a criminal-court complaint.
Krull was assigned to the Midtown North Precinct.

He joined the force in July 2004 and was promoted to sergeant in 2013. Krull earned $112,185 last year, according to public records.

He was arrested Tuesday afternoon and has been charged with rape, criminal sex act, sexual misconduct, endangering the welfare of a child, forcible touching and sex misconduct, cops said. He is suspended without pay.