US News

Obama gets goofy in video promoting ObamaCare

WASHINGTON — There’s almost nothing President Obama won’t do to push his health plan — and that includes holding a selfie stick, giving himself an “I’m cool” salute in sunglasses, and sticking out his tongue.

The chief executive agreed to do a self-mocking video for BuzzFeed, all to get out word that Monday is the deadline to sign up for ObamaCare this year.

He took his unconventional outreach to new heights by starring in a two-minute clip called “Things Everybody Does But Doesn’t Talk About,” which hit the Web on Thursday.

In it, Obama holds out a selfie stick and snaps pix of himself in multiple poses: serious, smiling, winking and more.

In one shot, Obama sports aviator sunglasses, outstretches his arm, makes a gun, and smugly clicks it, à la Joe Cool.

In another, Obama sticks out his tongue and winks.

By midafternoon Thursday, BuzzFeed reported the video had been viewed 5.4 million times.