
WTC jumpers want to return to tower to ‘defend themselves’

The daredevils who leapt from 1 World Trade Center in 2013 want to return to the spot — this time to defend themselves.

James Brady, Marko Markovich and Andrew Rossig claim they should be charged with misdemeanor trespassing, not felony burglary, for entering the 1,776-foot tower and parachuting off of it.

They want to show jurors the men jumped from the roof and not a structure that could be considered a building extension — and, thus, could be burglarized.

“The only question is whether they should face up to seven years in jail for burglary or if they should be found guilty of the misdemeanors they committed,” said defense lawyer Timothy Parlatore.

Justice Charles Solomon told the defense lawyers to file a subpoena directing the Port Authority to grant them access and he would review it.