
U.S. Soccer will vote against Sepp Blatter in FIFA election

With the indictment of 14 soccer executives Wednesday, and FIFA’s presidential election on Friday, U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati said the federation will vote against incumbent Sepp Blatter and for underdog Prince Ali bin al-Hussein. Gulati said it will be a vote for reform and good governance.

“To us, this is a vote for good governance,” Gulati said in a teleconference from Switzerland. “We’re going to be voting for him [Friday]. I’ve gotten to know Prince Ali over the past couple of years. He’s a very active member of the executive committee and he’s an active proponent of reform at FIFA.

“He’s a successful president at the Jordanian FA. We’ve supported a number of initiatives he’s led, whether it’s in women’s rights or in development work; but it really starts with his views on governance and reform.”

Blatter is considered a favorite to earn a fifth term despite widespread corruption, accusations of bribery and the Department of Justice’s actions prompting Wednesday’s arrests at a luxury hotel on the eve of the FIFA election. But Gulati felt an upset was not only possible, but in soccer’s best interest.

“Shocking news, very disappointing and if the allegations are proven, it’s beyond description. We’ll do everything to get things back on track,’’ said Gulati, a Columbia University professor and FIFA committee member. He wouldn’t deny the U.S. role as whistle-blower could hurt a potential bid later this year for the 2026 World Cup, but insists reform is more important.

“Would we like to host a future World Cup? The answer is of course, yes,” Gulati said. “But for me and for U.S. Soccer — especially at this time but at any time — having CONCACAF and FIFA govern and manage with integrity is far more important than hosting the World Cup or any other event. That’s our focus.’’

Gulati called it “premature” to say whether Copa America Centenario will go on as planned next year in the U.S.