
Big mouth! Geno emerges for first time post sucker-punch surgery

Maybe the doctors who operated on Geno Smith’s broken jaw also fixed his arm.

The Post spotted the Jets quarterback completing every pass Saturday during a game of catch with a buddy just two days after he underwent surgery to fix his jaw, which was busted by a teammate in a locker-room brawl.

His cheeks swollen, Smith — who had a dismal 59.7 percent completion rate last season — bragged about his tossing talent in the parking lot of his apartment complex in Whippany, NJ.

“I feel great. You see me throwin’, right?” he told The Post, his speech slightly slurred by the swelling.

He was shirtless and strangely wearing eye-black tape during the casual toss.

He had a message to Jets fans regarding his six- to 10-week layoff: “Get ready for me to come back.”

But it remains to be seen whether his teammates even want him back. While keeping virtually silent about their signal caller, they have been phoning IK Enemkpali, the linebacker who punched him, in droves.

Before: Smith speaks to reporters on August 4.Bill Kostroun
After: Smith outside his home on August 15, following an operation on his broken jaw.Angel Chevrestt

“They called to see how I’m doing and called to check on me,” said Enemkpali, who was cut from Gang Green after Tuesday’s tussle.

Smith’s jaw was not wired shut — surgeons implanted metal plates and screws — but it might as well have been Saturday when it came to answering questions about the fisticuffs.

“No comment,” Smith said.

When the reporter persisted, he said politely, “You’re on private property, and I’ve been nice, but I don’t want to call the cops on you.”

Enemkpali reportedly socked the third-year QB in the kisser in a dispute over a $600 debt.

Smith had pledged to show up at a Texas football camp organized by Enemkpali in July, but backed out after the death of a friend, sources said.

The quarterback never made good on a pledge to reimburse Enemkpali for the cash he laid out for Smith’s air travel, then allegedly taunted the linebacker in the locker-room standoff.

Enemkpali has been picked up by ex-Jets coach Rex Ryan, who now leads the Buffalo Bills.