Real Estate

Virtualization maps chart hottest neighborhoods

This stunning visualization of the city’s home prices shows how two streets tower above their neighbors: 57th Street in Manhattan and Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn.

The blue-collar neighborhood of Gravesend is Brooklyn’s most expensive, thanks to a small Syrian Jewish community whose members shell out millions for McMansions within walking distance of the neighborhood synagogues around Ocean Parkway.

Prices rise as high as $2,000 per square foot in blocks around Gravesend synagogues, according to NeighborhoodX, a new website that provides real estate information on city neighborhoods.

There are many Manhattan areas that hit those same heights. But if 57th Street — the row of fancy condo towers such as One57 — was its own neighborhood, average prices could hit around $9,000 per square foot, said Constantine Valhouli, founder of NeighborhoodX.

Valhouli created the 3D heat map with architect Cat Callaghan using data from real estate sites Trulia, Zillow and StreetEasy.

By analyzing wider data than usual — such as comparing prices for co-ops versus houses — trends emerge.

The particularly large Gravesend prices occur in the eruv — an area where observant Orthodox Jews are able to engage in activities normally banned during Shabbat, such as pushing a baby stroller or ­carrying keys.

“This would have never been visible if we hadn’t separated it out as its own neighborhood — otherwise, it would have just increased the value of Gravesend properties overall,” said Valhouli.

Outside of the eruv, Gravesend’s overall average price is $531 per square foot.

Currently a McMansion at 2184 Ocean Parkway, a nearly 10,000-square-foot residence overflowing with gleaming marble, crystal chandeliers and grand staircases, is listed for sale at $8.9 million.

It was first put on the market in 2012 for $14 million but failed to sell.

Unsurprisingly, Manhattan soars with the most expensive prices in the city, with even Staten Island’s most expensive neighborhood — Todt Hill, where grand leafy residences that starred in “The Godfather” go for $328 per square foot — cheaper than Manhattan’s most affordable neighborhood (Inwood, $439 per square foot).

By neighborhood, the most affordable area of the city is St. George on Staten Island, where sales average $162 per square foot. Tribeca is the most expensive, at $2,680 per square foot.