US News

Ben Carson will take money from anyone — even Hillary’s supporters

Dr. Ben Carson needs cash to fuel his campaign, but one way the GOP contender could cut expenses is by targeting donors more carefully.

Democratic National Committeeman and prominent Hillary Clinton supporter Robert Zimmerman was surprised to receive a fund-raising letter from Carson that even included a pro-Carson bumper sticker, window decal and postcards to promote the candidate.

The five-page appeal mentioned Carson’s “anguish” over Planned Parenthood “selling parts of aborted babies,” the need to seal our nation’s borders “right away,” and America’s need of “a spiritual awakening.”

Democratic strategist Zimmerman joked, “Dr. Carson’s mailing list is as accurate as his positions.”

The letter was personalized with the recipient’s name throughout, including, “I believe in you, Robert.”

One of the things Carson’s looking to fund is “precision data-mining technology that will identify people inclined to vote for me.”

The investment could help avoid courting dyed-in-the-wool Democrats.