
Here’s who should win ‘The Bachelor,’ according to the zodiac

Ben Higgins may want to wish upon a star, or at least consult them before choosing his future bride on “The Bachelor.”

While you may have your own guesses as to who Ben is going to end up with in just a few short weeks, it may be worth it to look to the stars. Only three women remain, but which is Ben’s match made in heaven?

As zodiac expert Ophira Edut of the AstroTwins tells the Post, the 27-year-old might select a mate who can tolerate the sometimes selfish Aries’ ways.

“[Aries] are very independent. They’re actually very picky in a way, whatever they believe in they really stick to it,” Edut explains of only child Ben. “They can also be a little bit selfish. Like when he met Amanda’s kids and then sent her home in the same episode, one might argue that it may be Aries’ selfish behavior — if they can’t do something, they just can’t do it.”

AstroTwins Ophira and Tali EdutCourtesy of AstroStyle

“Once they make up their minds, it’s hard to change it,” she adds.

While Lauren B. is the front-runner to win Ben’s heart, Edut notes that he could push her into the friend zone.

“She’s an Aquarius, so that’s like a friendship angle between an Aries and an Aquarius,” she said. “He might end up picking her because they have common interests, but it will probably end up in the friend zone. The passion will cool and if there is an engagement, I don’t think it will last.”

Finalists Caila and Jojo are both Sagittarii — the best match for an Aries, according to Edut. So how does a person choose between the two fire signs? Edut believes Ben will select the lady with less family baggage.

“I don’t think Jojo should be picked because Aries men have a lot of masculine pride. If he’s going to deal with her brothers being alpha males, as Aries men are alpha males, that’s going to be the deal breaker,” she said. “He may shock us and pick Caila because of her family closeness.”

Though Jojo is close to her overbearing brood, as viewers witness during last week’s episode, Ben’s astrological instincts may ultimately steer his judgment.

“Aries men like a good-time girl, but the one they should end up with is a woman who is more sweet, nurturing and maternal because they are the babies of the zodiac and like to be taken care of,” Edut shares. “Aries and Sagittarius are actually a great match. They’re both fire signs, which does go the distance. I think she [Caila] is so focused on him and would make him the center of her world more than the others.”

With Ben set to name a future Mrs. Higgins during the March 14 season finale, Edut questions whether or not he is capable of embracing the newlywed lifestyle.

“Women are attracted to Aries men because they’re passionate in the moment but don’t always think long term. They get very caught up in what they’re feeling,” she continues.

“I don’t know if bachelor Ben is going to make it to the long haul with anyone.”