
Lying lawyer dodged court after ‘tripping on a dog bone’

His career is going to the dogs.

A Brooklyn lawyer accused of using every excuse in the book to skip out on court — including a near-death mom and various undocumented hospital stays — has been scolded now for claiming he injured himself tripping on a dog bone.

For the second time in a month, John Nonnenmacher was publicly reprimanded by a federal court judge who has had enough of his “rambling and never-ending excuses,” according to Brooklyn federal court papers filed this week.

In her 18-page rebuke, Judge Roanne Mann ripped Nonnenmacher for stalling for months a 2011 civil case over a car-accident lawsuit by blowing deadlines and not showing up to court.

She also issued him $1,250 in financial sanctions for failing to follow court orders.

Nonnenmacher got one hearing postponed last November because he was “on trial” on a different case — but when he was asked for written proof, he changed his story, claiming he spent four days in the hospital because he “tripped on a dog bone at home,” hit his head and “almost had a heart attack,” according to Mann’s decision.

The AWOL lawyer has also blown off telephone conferences and hearings in another case, blaming his no-shows on “hospitalization” at four different facilities, where he supposedly had no access to his phone or e-mail.

Last month, Nonnenmacher and his co-counsel were publicly reprimanded by a different judge over misrepresentations that Nonnenmacher’s mother had died — when she was really alive — delaying the start of a police-brutality trial.

He blamed the morbid mix-up on his confused colleague.

Still, Nonnenmacher used his sick mom again to explain why he failed to appear at a hearing last month in a different civil-rights case.

He claimed in a letter to the judge that a visit to his mom at a nursing home left him “so heartbroken and devastated . . . that I lost sight of all my responsibilities.”

But that supposed nursing-home visit occurred May 24 — the day after the hearing he failed to attend, court papers say.

Mann wants a grievance committee to look into the lawyer’s “bizarre behavior” to see whether he is fit to practice law.