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Evacuated migrants set fire to ‘Jungle’ refugee camp in France

CALAIS, France — Large portions of the makeshift camp known as “the jungle” in northern France went up in flames Wednesday, as departing migrants set fire to shelters before being forced to leave.

Firefighters battled flames for much of the morning, dousing blazes that began overnight as migrants left the makeshift camp near the city of Calais. The main alley through the camp burned overnight, leaving skeleton-like hulks on either side of the road.

The fires came after French authorities continued a week-long operation to shut down the camp and transport thousands of migrants to reception centers around France.

Gas canisters popped as they exploded in the heat. One aid group’s truck burst into flames.

Migrants stood and watched. Some laughed.

Steve Barbet, a spokesman for the regional authorities, said one migrant was hospitalized. About 100 migrants were evacuated.

The camp once housed 6,300 migrants, according to authorities, but aid groups said the number was much higher.

Smoke billows from a fire after tents and shacks were set ablaze in the makeshift camp the “Jungle” during its evacuation in Calais, France.EPA