
Indian Point nuclear plant slated for closure by 2021

The Indian Point nuclear plant is slated to shut down by 2021, according to a report.

The Westchester power plant facility will close by April 2021 under an agreement New York State reached with Entergy Corp., the company that operates the three-unit plant, the New York Times reported, citing a person with knowledge of the deal.

Gov. Cuomo has long called to shut down the 2,083-megawatt nuclear plant that provides about 25 percent of New York City’s electricity.

Under the agreement, one of the two nuclear reactors at Indian Point will permanently close by April 2020 and the other one would shut down a year later, according to the Times.

The governor’s office denied the report.

“There is no agreement — Governor Cuomo has been working on a possible agreement for 15 years and until it’s done, it’s not done,” said Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi.

“Close only counts for horseshoes, not for nuclear plants,” Azzopardi said.

Entergy spokesman Jerry Nappi declined to comment.