US News

Chicago cop faces 16 new charges in shooting of black teen

CHICAGO — A grand jury added 16 counts of aggravated battery with a firearm to the first-degree murder charges against a white Chicago police officer accused in the fatal shooting of a black 17-year-old.

A special prosecutor and attorneys for former Officer Jason Van Dyke didn’t discuss the new indictment announced during at a Thursday hearing.

Van Dyke shot 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times in October 2014.

The new indictment brings to 23 the number of felony counts against Van Dyke. He faces six counts of first-degree murder, one count of official misconduct and now 16 aggravated battery counts.

Van Dyke was charged in 2015 at the same time the city — on a judge’s orders — released video of the shooting.