
Cricket prankster can’t dodge charges for unleashing bugs on subway

A Brooklyn Criminal Court judge has declined to dismiss the case against the prankstress who made national headlines for flinging a plague of crickets and mealworms across a crowded D train last August.

“Motion to dismiss denied!” jurist Elizabeth Warren barked at self-proclaimed performance artist Zaida Pugh Thursday. The 21-year-old will now have to cop to the charges or head to trial to resolve the case.

Prosecutors have yet to offer any plea deals.

Pugh’s irate attorney Amy Albert marched by a Post reporter and spat “no comment.”

Meanwhile, an anxious-looking Pugh camped out in the hallway with her husband following the brief appearance and ate a bag of Doritos.

Pugh, who was sporting a toned-down outfit and black wig — as opposed to her usual purple or ice-blue tresses — also declined comment as she left court.

She additionally refused to say if she was still engaging in stunts to promote homeless awareness, or was continuing her preemptive community service.

The homeless “advocate” caught the city’s attention when, amidst a crowded, un-airconditioned D train, she unleashed a container of creepy crawlies on fellow passengers in a questionable attempt to force commuters to meditate on homelessness and mental illness.

Instead, a terrifying straphanger pulled the emergency brake, and stranded the bug-infested train car in the middle of the Manhattan Bridge for over an hour–during which Pugh screamed and urinated on the floor.

She faces up to a year behind bars if convicted on charges of reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct.

Pugh is slotted to return to court June 7.