US News

US may be getting ready to go after WikiLeaks, Assange

WASHINGTON – Two media reports say U.S. prosecutors are preparing or closely considering charges against the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, including its founder Julian Assange, for revealing sensitive government secrets.

CNN reports that authorities are preparing to seek Assange’s arrest.

The Washington Post reports prosecutors are weighing charges against the organization’s members after the Obama-era Justice Department declined to do so.

The newspaper says possible charges include conspiracy, theft of government property and violating the Espionage Act.

WikiLeaks last month released documents it says reveal secrets about the CIA’s cyber-espionage tools for breaking into targeted computers, cellphones and smart TVs. It previously published 250,000 State Department cables and embarrassed the U.S. military with logs from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Assange’s attorney says authorities have not apprised him of the status of their investigation.