Sex & Relationships

It’s this easy to get busted having sex in an airplane bathroom

Commercial airplanes are very impersonal places, where passengers are squeezed elbow-to-elbow with complete strangers for hours on end.

The only time a traveler can get any privacy is when they take a quick trip to the toilet.

But now it turns out that even the plane bathroom isn’t a sacred space.

Most planes feature secret catches on the outside of the toilet that opens the locked door.

To open it, lift up the metal sign on the door that says “lavatory.”

Underneath the flap will be a catch that, once it is turned, will unlock the door.

The Latch has its benefits – it allows cabin crew to get inside the toilet if someone is suffering from health problems.

It also means a parent can release a young child if they accidentally lock themselves in.

However, for amorous couples attempting to join the mile high club, the overriding lock means that they could be rudely interrupted by a flight attendant at any given time.