
Cricket prankster afraid to show her face in court

​A self-​described actress who terrorized straphangers last summer by unleashing a plague of crickets and worms on a crowded subway car spent a court appearance Monday cowering behind a notebook.

The now ​several months-​pregnant Zaida Pugh hid her face with a black​-​and​-​white​-covered​ ​school ​composition book for over an hour while she sat in ​court ​–​ ​even continuing to shield herself with the​ notebook as she addressed ​a judge.

The mother-of-two made headlines after dumping a container of bugs on a packed D​ ​train during August 2016​ ​–​ ​causing one panicked commuter to pull the emergency break, and stranding the train on the Manhattan bridge in the searing heat.

The caught-on-tape performance escalated when Pugh decided to urinate on the floor, in front of the already-horrified ​commuters.

She later said the debacle had been an attempt to bring awareness to homelessness.

The 23-year-old’s lunacy continued Monday during the routine court appearance, when she refused to lower the notebook from her face, and even ran out of court with her nose stuck in the pages.

As she left court, the expectant mother broke into a full-out run down the block, as her vision remained obscured by the journal.

Pugh faces up to a year in prison if found guilty of misdemeanor charges and reckless endangerment.

A judge previously quashed her attempts to dismiss the case.