Weird But True

Education company under fire for ‘racist’ nursing textbook

Pearson, the world’s biggest education company, has come under fire this week for a page in one of its nursing textbooks — which features racist stereotypes about minorities.

“Hispanics may believe that pain is a form of punishment and suffering must be endured if they are to enter heaven,” a section reads.

“Blacks often report higher pain intensity than other cultures,” another says.

The harmful misconceptions can be found on page 161 of the textbook, “Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume I” — which was published in 2014.

A representative for Pearson Education, the branch of the British-owned company that released the book, told Bustle that they would be scrapping the page from all future editions and current electronic versions, as well.

“While differences in cultural attitudes towards pain is an important topic in medical programs, the table from this Nursing text did not present the information in an appropriate manner,” the rep said. “We apologize for the offense this has caused, and we have removed the material in question from current electronic versions and future editions of this text. We always welcome feedback, and we appreciate the concern shown by the students who raised this issue.”

The statement came Wednesday after countless people shared pictures of the page on social media and blasted the company online.

“WOW what textbook is this?!” asked one upset Twitter user. “I’m so disgusted.”

Another person added, “HOLY S–T! @pearson actually published this racist bulls–t in a nursing textbook. #bioethics.”

Some other minority and religious groups that were stereotyped in the book included Arabs, Muslims, Jews, Asians and Native Americans.

The section in question — dubbed “Focus on Diversity and Culture” — ultimately lists “cultural differences in response to pain.”

“Native Americans may prefer to receive medications that have been blesses by a tribal shaman,” reads one of the 19 featured bullet points.

“Jews may be vocal and demanding of assistance,” another says.

“Arabs/Muslims may not request pain medicine but instead thank Allah for pain if it is the result of a healing medical procedure…Filipino clients may not take pain medication because they view pain as being the will of God…Indians who follow Hindu practices believe that pain must be endured in preparation for a better life in the next cycle.”

While most of the outrage came from social media users, many people went on Amazon to voice their anger in the textbook’s reviews and comments section.

“I’m absolutely horrified by the racism and outright lies in the ‘Focus on Diversity: Cultural Differences in Response to Pain’ section,” wrote one person. “You have printed all these generalizations and assumptions as though they are facts. They are not. They are offensive and racist.”

Another said, “Page 161 alone disqualifies this textbook as being entirely evidence-based. If this kind of racist dreck can pass unnoticed by the authors AND editors of this book, it cannot be trusted.”