
9/11 Memorial still operating at a loss

It cost $111 million to run the 9/11 Memorial and Museum last year, up $3 million from the year before — with $24 million going to staff salaries and $10.4 million for security.

The museum took in $87.8 million in revenue, up 4.8 percent from the prior year, according to the museum foundation’s tax filing for 2016. It shows a deficit for the second year in a row.

Money from admissions rose by $4 million, while grants and contributions fell from $17 million to $16.3 million.

The museum charges $24 admission, or $15 to $18 for seniors, veterans, students and youths. About 3 million people visited the museum at the former World Trade Center site (right) last year.

Charity expert Daniel Borochoff said the museum will have to stay relevant to cover costs.

“They’re going to have to keep up the enthusiasm, keep up the interest, keep people paying,” said Borochoff, president of Charity Watch.

In addition to day-to-day expenses, the museum owes $7.5 million to former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who chairs its board and gave the museum a $15 million line of credit in 2013, before the building opened and began taking in cash. It paid Bloomberg $16,500 in interest in each of the last two years.

CEO Joseph Daniels, who stepped down at the end of 2016, received a a total pay package of $549,508 including salary of $491,643 and deferred compensation of $26,500.
The museum would not reveal the salary for Daniel’s successor, Alice Greenwald.

Spokesman Michael Frazier said the foundation covered its operating costs, noting the $111 million in expenses includes $38 million in depreciation of the buildings and equipment.