
Quinn sorry for calling Cynthia Nixon an ‘unqualified lesbian’

Former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn apologized Tuesday night for calling wannabe-governor Cynthia Nixon an “unqualified lesbian.”

Nixon is unqualified, period, Quinn said.

Quinn said she was wrong for bringing up Nixon’s sexual orientation while questioning the Sex and The City actress’s qualifications for the governorship during an interview with The Post.

Both Quinn and Nixon are gay.

“I clearly apologize for that. It came out sideways and offended people,” Quinn told NY 1 Tuesday night.

“It came out wrong. But I do not apologize for saying Cynthia Nixon is unqualified to be governor.”

Earlier, Quinn told The Post, “Cynthia Nixon was opposed to having a qualified lesbian become mayor of New York City,” — referring to her own 2013 candidacy for mayor and Nixon’s endorsement of her rival, Bill de Blasio.

“Now she wants an unqualified lesbian to be the governor of New York. You have to be qualified and have experience. She isn’t qualified to be the governor,” Quinn said.

Quinn took a beating all day on social media for calling Nixon an “unqualified lesbian.”