Indians pitcher angrily denies using mound to spread 9/11 conspiracy

The conspiracy theorist has become the conspiracy victim.

After a dominant victory in which Trevor Bauer pitched six shutout innings, the mainstream-media-bashing Cleveland starting pitcher was forced to clarify he was not using the mound as a pulpit to spread the message that President George W. Bush “did” 9/11.

Bauer had used his cleat to scribble what appeared to be “BD 911” on the mound before the game. The internet immediately speculated — incorrectly, Bauer says — about what that message means.

Speaking both to media and on Twitter after Tuesday’s 10-1 win in Chicago over the Cubs, Bauer would not clarify what the mystery meant, but insisted it had nothing to do with Sept. 11.

“I went on Twitter to see people making ridiculous accusations about what it means and it pissed me off,” the right-hander, who may be having an All-Star season, told reporters, while also stating he wrote “BD 91.1.” “It’s completely unrelated. For people to take it any step further than that is just ridiculous. It’s a tragic day in our country’s history. It’s senseless and that’s all there is to it. Shame on the people saying that. It’s completely unrelated.

“It’s a personal thing with me and a close friend of mine and training. That’s it. It has nothing to do with anything else. It pisses me off that people would say that, so I just had to clear the air on that. It’s a shame that it’s a distraction from a great team win. It’s ridiculous.”

While it doesn’t appear to be the case here, Bauer has positioned himself to be the type of pitcher who would make a political statement on the mound. The 27-year-old is among the most outspoken players in the league, for good and for bad. Earlier this month, he casually accused Astros pitchers of doctoring the ball to improve their grips. In a more significant charge, the frequent President Trump defender also has alluded to being a birther, doubting that President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

“Shame on anyone who says otherwise,” Bauer wrote about people jumping to “BD 911” conclusions. “Unfounded accusations like these are very hurtful and completely uncalled for.”