
Feds probing GOP fundraiser Broidy for selling government influence: report

Feds are investigating prominent GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy for allegedly peddling ties to President Trump to foreign governments in potential deals for millions of dollars, according a report on Friday.

The Justice Department has targeted Broidy — a former Republican National Committee Finance Chairman — and his alleged ties to shady Chinese and Malaysian interests, according to the Washington Post.

The DOJ wants to know if Broidy floated plans to Beijing, allegedly proposing he get paid if the Trump administration extradites a Chinese dissident back to the People’s Republic of China, the Washington Post said.

The second probe into Broidy deals with Malaysia and a DOJ investigation of a development fund operated by Kuala Lumpur. The claim is that Broidy wanted $75 million from a Malaysian business official if that Justice probe was stopped, the paper reported.

The DOJ and a lawyer for Broidy declined comment.

As part of the Broidy probe, the Justice Department’s public integrity section has reportedly subpoenaed Las Vegas casino bigwig Steve Wynn — also a Trump ally and disgraced former RNC finance chair — for records of communications with Broidy.

“Steve Wynn is completely cooperating with the investigation and he certainly has no reason to believe that anyone acted improperly in anything he knew about or was involved in,” Wynn’s lawyer Reid Weingarten said in a statement.

Wynn had to step down from his role as the RNC’s lead fundraiser earlier this year over allegations of sexual misconduct.

Broidy’s lawyer, Chris Clark said his client: “has never agreed to work for, been retained by nor been compensated by any foreign government for any interaction with the United States Government, ever. Any implication to the contrary is a lie.”