
Trump mocks Joe Biden’s groping scandal at GOP dinner

President Trump mocked former Vice President Joe Biden’s groping scandal during a GOP event on Tuesday, a report said.

Trump, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women, commented on Biden’s entry into the already crowded Democratic field during a campaign-style speech.

“I was going to call him, I don’t know him well,” Trump told the crowd at the National Republican Congressional Committee’s annual spring dinner.

“I was going to say, ‘Welcome to the world, Joe, you having a good time?'”

Biden is facing accusations from at least four women who say he inappropriately touched them, after two more came forward Tuesday.

Trump referred to Biden’s alleged misbehavior once again during the speech, while describing how he wanted to kiss a general who delivered positive news about the US military campaign against ISIS.

“I said, ‘General, come here, give me a kiss,’ I felt like Joe Biden, but I meant it,” Trump said as the crowd laughed.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump
Joe Biden, Donald TrumpGetty Images

The president, who was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women in 2005, praised his base for not abandoning him.

“With all the things I’ve done, they never wavered. They never wavered,” Trump said.

“Can you believe? Anybody else they’d be down to 2 percent right now, and we just had our best.”