
House debate over Trump’s ‘go back’ comments gets chaotic

Tensions flared on the floor of the US House of Representatives Tuesday as the body debated a resolution rebuking President Trump over off-color comments he made telling four non-white lawmakers to “go back” to their countries — and Democrats were raked over the coals for allegedly breaking a House rule that no one may accuse the president of being a racist.

Democrats and Republicans drew familiar battle lines as they debated the resolution — which includes pro-immigration quotes from Ben Franklin, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan, while stating in part that “President Donald Trump’s racist comments have legitimized fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color.”

But the debate quickly devolved into chaos as Republicans accused Democrats of breaking a House rule against calling the president a bigot.

“These comments from the White House are disgraceful and disgusting. And his comments are racist,” Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi argued.

That drew fire from Georgia Republican Doug Collins, who interrupted Pelosi and called for her comments to be stricken from the record.

“I was just going to ask the gentle Speaker of the House if she would like to rephrase that comment,” he said, prompting Pelosi to respond that she cleared her comments with the House parliamentarian.

“I ask for the words to be taken down,” Collins shot back.

Democrats thought they could skirt the rule by calling Trump’s comments racist rather than leveling the charge at the president directly.

The Democrat-dominated House was expected to vote on the measure along party lines Tuesday evening.