O.J. Simpson: Antonio Brown ‘accused, not charged’ of rape

O.J. Simpson responded to the allegations of rape and sexual assault made against Antonio Brown by the Patriots wide receiver’s former trainer on Tuesday.

During a minute-and-a-half long rant about his fantasy football team — which includes the 31-year-old Brown — posted on Twitter, Simpson said he hoped the allegations were not true.

”I saw where somebody [Britney Taylor] accused Antonio of rape,” Simpson said. “Now, lets make one thing clear: he was accused, not charged. I don’t know how that’s going to affect him (in Week 2). I’m hoping its not true. Nothing I knew about Antonio would make me think someone would do something like that.”

Taylor claims Brown abused her three times from 2017-18.

”I hope it’s not true,” Simpson said. “I’m just saying.”

Brown’s lawyer, Darren Heitner, in a statement Tuesday night said, “Mr. Brown denies each and every allegation in the lawsuit. He will pursue all legal remedies to not only clear his name but to also protect other professional athletes against false accusations.”

In 1995, Simpson was acquitted of the murders of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman.