
Jennifer Dulos’ estranged hubby claims she had ‘serious psychological problems’

Fotis Dulos claims in a new interview his wife, missing Connecticut mother Jennifer Dulos, had “serious psychological problems” that contributed to their marriage falling apart — and became “a hermit.”

The Greek real-estate developer — who has been charged in connection with Jennifer’s disappearance — told Athens website Proto Thema their relationship began breaking down in 2010.

“Jennifer gradually began to take me out of her life and become increasingly distant, a hermit,” Fotis, 51, said. “I’m sorry to say it, but Jennifer was suffering from serious psychological problems that I didn’t immediately understand.”

“I put it aside because I was in love with her and focused on other things that make our lives beautiful,” Fotis said.

The interview came after Connecticut Superior Court Judge John Blawie issued a gag order in the case, barring Fotis and his lawyers from blabbing to the media about “the character, credibility, reputation or criminal record of a party, victim or witness.”

Fotis’ lawyer Norm Pattis argued the interview didn’t violate the order, saying “it is not even a close call.”

Jennifer Dulos
Jennifer DulosAP

“There is no order barring all speech,” Pattis told The Stamford Advocate on Monday night.

Pattis’ own questioning of Jennifer’s mental state was among the reasons for the gag order being issued. He once accused the 50-year-old woman of taking a page out of the novel “Gone Girl” by staging her own disappearance in an effort to frame Fotis.

The mom of five has been missing since May 24. She and Fotis were in the midst of a bitter divorce and custody battle at the time of her disappearance.

In the Greek interview, Fotis claimed he asked Jennifer to “split” in 2016 because their kids had started noticing the couple was growing apart.

“We had a civilized conversation and Jennifer asked me to try to save our marriage, but my heart was no longer there,” Fotis told the website.

“At that point, my contact with Jennifer was centered around the children … for me the decision was made.”

Jennifer filed for divorce in June 2017. In March 2018, Fotis said he told Jennifer he’d developed feelings for his girlfriend, Michelle Troconis, and he and his wife had “long discussions, all at a civilized level” about the new relationship.

But in court papers, Jennifer said she lived in fear of her “volatile” husband, who she described as “dangerous and ruthless.” She alleged that Fotis had cheated on her and wanted to move his “paramour” into their Farmington, Conn., mansion.

Michelle Troconis
Michelle Troconis will be back in court later this month.AP

Asked about her disappearance, Fotis said he was very “concerned” but that, “I can’t explain it.”

“I hope and hope that the police will find her. I hope she is alive.”

Both he and Troconis, 44, have been charged with tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution in connection with Jennifer’s disappearance.

Fotis is due back in court Friday, while Troconis is scheduled to return Oct. 10.