
Trump officially ditches NYC, changes residence to Florida

Like many seasoned New Yorkers, President Trump plans on making an exodus to Florida.

The Queens-born, Manhattan-bred president in late September changed his primary residence from Trump Tower in Midtown to his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, according to documents obtained by the New York Times.

Trump, 73, and his wife, first lady Melania Trump, 49, filed identical “declaration of domicile” documents with the Palm Beach County Circuit Court announcing the move.

“I hereby declare that my above-described residence and abode in the State of Florida constitutes my predominant and principal home, and I intend to continue it permanently as such,” states the document filed by the president.

“I formerly resided at 721 Fifth Avenue,” the document says, referring to the skyscraper off 57th Street, where Trump has lived since 1983, in a gold-plated triplex on the 58th floor.

An attachment lists “other places of abode” as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House’s address, and his private golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

Since taking office, Trump has spent 99 days at Mar-a-Lago compared to just 20 at Trump Tower, according to NBC News.

Still, Trump is expected back in the Big Apple Saturday night to take in an MMA bout at Madison Square Garden. After the contest, he’ll crash at Trump Tower into Sunday, sources have said.

A person close to the president told the Times the reason for the change in primary residence was mainly for tax purposes. The person said Trump was infuriated by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.’s inquisition over the president’s tax returns.

But the residence change isn’t expected to have an effect on Vance’s quest, according to the Times.

Florida doesn’t have a state income tax or inheritance tax, unlike New York. There’s also a top estate tax rate of 16% for estates larger than $10.1 million in the Empire State.

New York pols didn’t seem too torn up about the move.

“Good riddance. It’s not like @realDonaldTrump paid taxes here anyway… He’s all yours, Florida,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo tweeted.

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson also wrote: “GOOD RIDDANCE!!”

Trumps ditching New York City for Mar-a-Lago
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, FloridaReuters