
Keyshawn Johnson to Jets: Call me to fix this mess

Keyshawn Johnson thinks he can help the Jets turn things around after their embarrassing loss to the Dolphins left them in the saddest state of affairs.

“If Christopher Johnson wanted to have a conversation with me, we could have a real conversation about, let’s turn the Jets around,” Johnson told “Gang’s All Here” — the new Jets podcast from the New York Post.

“I can help him do the right thing, him and Joe Douglas. But what happens is, the NFL is not like the NBA. It’s a good ol’ boys network. … Look what John Lynch has done with the San Francisco 49ers … Guys like me, we don’t get that opportunity. How about giving me the opportunity to — call me, Mr. Johnson. Let’s talk. We just need to talk. I don’t even want the job. I’m enjoying ESPN, but let’s talk. I promise you I can tell you some stuff that will get ya’ll to the playoffs in the next couple of years. You just got to know what you’re looking at.”


Johnson, the former wide receiver who played for the Jets from 1996-99, is surprised the Jets ended up hiring Adam Gase, who was fired by the Dolphins team he lost to Sunday and is 1-7 in his first season with the Jets.

“I could’ve picked 25 coaches that were qualified over Adam Gase to be the next head coach of the New York Jets, and when you don’t have that type of leadership, you get what you’re getting,” said Johnson, who is a host for ESPN Radio in Los Angeles. “Mike McCarthy … you’re gonna pick Adam Gase over him? That doesn’t make any sense to me. Unless he’s got some skeletons in his closet nobody knows about, why would you do that?

“Because clearly, to me, he’s a better coach just watching it from afar, even though he struggled the last couple of years with Aaron Rodgers. He’s still a better coach. I’ll never get it. Sometimes you just scratch your head at some of the decisions the decision-makers make. You say, ‘Why wouldn’t you hire that guy?’ It’s mind-boggling, but they have to live with it.”