
What job interviewers really want to hear (and what not to say)

If you’re job-hunting and going on rounds of interviews, you’ll notice that a few questions come up over and over again. But before you launch into your rehearsed sound bite about your strengths, weaknesses and accomplishments, you may want to consider a more targeted tactic, suggests Sandy Golinkin, founder of Raising the Bar, a career consultancy that helps recent graduates.

She advises doing a deep dive into the company’s recent news mentions and social media, and researching your interviewer via LinkedIn. By doing research and tailoring your responses, you will show the interviewer that you understand the company, its mission and its place in the market — and that you really want to work there.

“I recommend thorough prep [to] feel self-confident going into the interview,” says Golinkin. “The single most important ingredient is being exceptionally well-prepared. You want to articulate the mission statement of the company and the department you’re applying for.”

And after working with new grads, she’s discovered a surprising quirk: Young people may be too humble. “Millennials are not terribly fond of bragging about themselves,” she says. “They think it’s unattractive. But I believe that you can talk about your strengths and what you can contribute in a succinct and informational way.”

Golinkin reveals the thought process behind the most common interview questions and shows you how to nail your next meeting.

Question: Name our three biggest competitors.

Bad answer: “Companies that take your customers.”

What you should say: “This question is to assess how you see the company and to determine if you really understand their business,” says Golinkin. “It’s an indicator that you did your homework and you are able to process that information.” Make sure your reply illustrates that you understand its place in the market, the business challenges and who its customer is. For example, if you are interviewing with a luxury hotel chain, you would name other upscale hotels — not a budget motel.

Question: To what do you attribute last week’s nice stock jump?

Bad answer: “I didn’t know you were a public company.”

What you should say: “If you’re interviewing with a publicly-traded company, shame on you if you have not looked up where the stock is at,” Golinkin says. At baseline, you should know if the company is public or not. If you’re asked this question and don’t know the answer, there’s a way to finesse the situation. She suggests saying something along the lines of, “That’s a very good question. I know the market did well last week and I was glad to hear your company was able to ride that market.”

Question: Please tell us what you can offer us that other candidates cannot.

Bad answer: “I am a hard worker and I want to work here.”

What you should say: This is your time to flex. Show that you understand what they are looking for — and that you check all the boxes. Before your interview, study the desired qualifications and skills listed in the job posting. Zero in on the ones you are really strong at and give examples to back them up. For example, a company might say they’re looking for a resourceful team player. You might say something like, “I’m an excellent team player. I was the squash team captain. I know you’re looking for someone resourceful. Last summer, I was an intern, and one of the things they complimented me on was how innovative I was with the limited budget.”

Question: Why do you want to be in commercial real estate?

Bad answer: “I am not really sure if I do.”

What you should say: This question aims to get to your true motivation and a sense of your personality. “They are assessing how genuine you are, or if you’re just trying to get a job anywhere,” says Golinkin. “If you are trying to decide between two or three different careers, they don’t want to hear that.” Answer sincerely about why you are interested in the job. You might also mention why you have respect and admiration for the company. She adds: “If you can’t articulate why you want the job, what you can contribute and what you can learn, that’s cause for concern. They want someone who cares.”

Question: If you could have dinner with anyone — alive or dead — who would it be and why?

Bad answer: “I don’t know, maybe Selena Gomez?”

What you should say: Your reply speaks volumes on your EQ (emotional intelligence) and your IQ, says Golinkin: “Are you thoughtful? Are you really reflecting on this? They are looking for your professional personality. Name people who put a mark in the industry you’re interested in. That shows that you are generally obsessed with this sector.” So, if you are applying for a job at a tech startup, you might say you’d like to meet Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Elon Musk.

Question: Who do you follow on social media and why?

Bad answer: “The Kardashians, Taylor Swift and Reggie Bullock.”

What you should say: Similar to the last question, the interviewer wants to hear that you’re plugged into and closely following the industry. For example, if you’re interviewing at a hospital, you might say that you follow an impressive doctor or a medical researcher.

Question: Do you have any questions for us?

Bad answers: “How much vacation will I get?” or “Is drug testing required?”

What you should say: “They’re looking to see if you can be clever,” says Golinkin. “Don’t ask a question that HR can answer, like about vacation days. You’re looking to be thoughtful and you want to ask intelligent questions that will make you one of the strongest candidates.” She recommends questions such as, “In the next six months, what are the greatest challenges that you are facing?” or “If you look at people who had this position in the early years, what distinguishes the good people from the great people? I want to be one of the great people.”