
Heroin use jumps 33% among NYC teens: Health Department

The number of New York City teens who say they have used heroin has quadrupled over the last two decades, according to new data from the Health Department.

Four percent of high school students surveyed in 2017 reported using the potent opioid at least once in their life, officials said. That’s quadruple the 1 percent who reported using it in 1999.

And it’s double the current national average of 2 percent, the figures show.

“We are seeing a decrease in drug overdose deaths among young New Yorkers and will continue to invest heavily in drug prevention resources to ensure we are connecting as many people as possible with the life-saving resources they need,” a Health Department spokesperson said.

Officials say they’re investing heavily to stem the increasing rates of heroin addiction among younger New Yorkers.

Despite the effort, the most recent tally represents a 33 percent increase from just two years earlier — 3 percent of high school students said they shot up with heroin in 2015.

The increase is worrisome because the opioid heroin — processed from morphine — is one of the world’s most addictive drugs, officials say.

The city analysis comes as the state Health Department just approved emergency rules to expand the number of needle exchange programs for addicts amid an opioid epidemic to stem the spread of blood-borne infections like HIV and Hepatitis C.

In New York State, residents who died from drug overdoses tripled — from 1,074 in 2010 to 3,224 in 2017, officials said.

Many OD deaths are attributed to addicts who inject a cocktail of heroin mixed with an even more powerful opioid — synthetically-made fentanyl.

The city Health Department issued a statement insisting it has turned a corner in curbing heroin abuse among youths.

“As we continue to grapple with a nationwide opioid crisis, it’s clear there is more work to do, and we encourage any and all people seeking support for their drug use or a loved one’s drug use to reach out to NYC Well for resources.”