
North Korea threatens to call Trump ‘dotard’ again over ‘rocket man’ comments

North Korea on Thursday said they will once again consider calling President Trump a “dotard” if he keeps referring to leader Kim Jong Un as “rocket man.”

The regime’s foreign ministry made the “dotard” threat in a statement released by state media Thursday, saying Trump’s language may be evidence of a “relapse.”

“If any language and expressions stoking the atmosphere of confrontation are used once again … that must really be diagnosed as the relapse of the dotage of a dotard,” first vice foreign minister Choe Son Hui said.

During remarks in London on Tuesday, Trump touted his relationship with North Korea, but noted a recent missile test by the country.

Trump said Kim, “likes sending rockets up, doesn’t he? That’s why I call him rocket man.”

“We have the most powerful military we ever had, and we are by far the most powerful country in the world and hopefully we don’t have to use it. But if we do, we will use it,” Trump added.

Choe added in the statement that Trump’s words “prompted the waves of hatred of our people against the U.S.”

Kim first referred to Trump as a “dotard,” which means an old man who is mentally slow, in 2017 after Trump called him “rocket man” in a United Nations address.

“I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire,” Kim responded.

With Post wires