
Biden says he’d consider nominating Obama to the Supreme Court

Joe Biden said he would nominate Barack Obama to the Supreme Court if the former commander-in-chief was willing to do the job.

The former vice president, who served two terms under Obama, was answering questions during a campaign event Saturday in Washington, Iowa, when he was asked if he’d ever nominate the 44th president to the nation’s highest court.

“If he’d take it, yes,” Biden said in response.

The move, if Biden were elected as president in 2020, would make Obama the second president in American history to also serve as a Supreme Court justice.

The first president to do so was William Howard Taft, who occupied the Oval Office from 1909 to 1913.

It is unclear if Obama is interested in a seat on the bench, or if his one-time veep has had discussions with him about the potential nomination.

Biden, 77, would have to clinch the Democratic Party’s nomination before starting to consider Supreme Court picks. He currently is leading the Democratic field nationally with 28.3 percent support, according to a Real Clear Politics average.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) trails behind him at 18.9 percent.