
Kim Kardashian visiting White House with women Trump freed from prison

Kim Kardashian West is back at the White House.

The reality TV star is expected to meet President Trump in the Oval Office with four women Trump freed from prison, sources say.

Kardashian West announced her visit on Twitter Wednesday morning and the White House did not immediately supply details.

Sources say, however, that Trump is expected to meet before noon with Kardashian West and the freed prisoners, including Alice Johnson, whom Trump released from a drug sentence in June 2018.

“Today Alice, Crystal, Judith, Tynice and I, along with the @cut_50 team will be at the White House bringing light to these women and discuss more change that our justice system desperately needs!” Kardashian West tweeted.

In a spree of clemency, Trump last month pardoned seven people and commuted the sentences of four others. He released drug conspiracy convicts Tynice Nichole Hall and Crystal Munoz and white-collar criminal Judith Negron.

The fourth person sprung by Trump — disgraced former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich — is not expected at the White House.

Kardashian West visited the White House at least twice to implore Trump to free inmates. She was successful arguing for Johnson, but Trump didn’t take her advice in September 2018 to free Chris Young, then 30, who was arrested at 22 and received a life sentence for dealing drugs.

The Oval Office visit comes as Trump seeks to calm public nerves about the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak and Kardashian West’s visit was not listed on his public schedule.

Trump is expected to meet with the women as the White House leans on an informal committee of about a dozen prominent reform advocates to vet clemency applications. Advocates hope Trump will soon hand down another batch of releases.