
MTA rider dangles outside moving train in shocking video

Shocking new video shows a straphanger literally hanging on for dear life on the outside of a moving subway train – as a man in a mask looks at him through the window.

The footage was posted Wednesday morning by Progressive Action, which did not say when it was shot and on what line.

“This is crazy! Guy riding outside the train hanging on window … The BS us workers have to deal with during this pandemic,” reads the caption by Progressive Action, which describes itself as “the new voice of the social movement in which we focus on the attacks on unionized jobs throughout America.”

NYCT Subway reacted to the crazy video by calling the stunt “incredibly dangerous” and asking for information about what train was involved and where the incident occurred.

“This is ridiculously dangerous behavior at any time, and in the middle of a pandemic it also distracts police officers from efforts to keep people safe, spread out and healthy. That’s unacceptable,” MTA spokesman Tim Minton told The Post.

Cops said the incident occurred on the 2 train in the Bronx, but could not provide a time or date. An investigation is underway by the NYPD Transit Bureau.

It was not immediately clear if the foolhardy passenger was trying to avoid catching the coronavirus inside the car.

Additional reporting by Olivia Bensimon