
NYC’s domestic violence website sees rise in visitors amid coronavirus

Spouses and partners being cramped up together because of the coronavirus pandemic is creating a huge surge in visits to New York City’s website for domestic violence survivors.

NYC Hope, which serves as the city’s online domestic violence resource, had 1,240 visits over a 13-day period from March 18 through March 30, according to data by the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence.

Many visit the website to quietly address their problems rather than going straight to the NYPD.

That’s an average of 95 visits a day – more than double the 45 visits NYC Hope had per day this year before March 18.

From March 18 through March 30, NYC Hope also saw 354 new visitors access the website, an average of 27 daily. The 2020 daily average before that was nine new visitors.

The flurry of activity coincides with the city closing Family Justice Centers on March 17 over concerns they would help spread the virus.

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea
NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said his department hadn’t seen any increase in domestic violence incidents during the current isolation period — but conceded that could be because of underreporting.William Farrington

The centers provide resources for families impacted by domestic violence, including legal and mental-health help. They are still providing some assistance, including connecting callers with organizations that can help with provide safe shelter.

The increase in New Yorkers inquiring about domestic violence assistance was reported first by Politico.

“Survivors need us now more than ever in these extraordinary times, and our top priority remains to ensure continuity of services and unwavering support…” said Cecile Noel, commissioner of the domestic violence agency.

“The city is here for survivors during this crisis and beyond, and will continue to work to identify best practices and innovative approaches to enhance its services.”

When asked Sunday whether required isolation to combat the virus puts more women and children at risk of abusers, NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said his department hadn’t seen any increase but conceded some domestic violence crimes are likely not getting reported, according to Politico.

“We have not seen it manifest in across-the-board increases yet, but it’s certainly something that concerns us for the possibility,” he added.