US News

Chris Cuomo says he loves his job, won’t quit after trashing CNN gig

CNN host Chris Cuomo has had an apparent change of heart, claiming Tuesday that he loves his job — a day after publicly griping, “I don’t like what I do professionally. I don’t think it’s worth my time.”

“I didn’t mean it that way,” the TV host insisted on satellite radio of his diatribe the day before — in which the “Cuomo Prime Time” star said he is no longer interested in “trafficking in things that I think are ridiculous.”

That includes “talking to Democrats about things that I don’t really believe they mean” and “talking to Republicans about them parroting things they feel they have to say.”

But Tuesday, he claimed of the rant, “It wasn’t about CNN. It wasn’t about me wanting to leave my job.”

He said critics have shot back, “‘Yeah, but you said it.’

“‘But how did you mean it?'” he said people should ask him.

Chris Cuomo
Chris CuomoKevin Mazur/Getty Images for WarnerMedia

Cuomo said he was addressing “my frustrations about journalism and being worthy enough” to be part of the profession.

He said he will continue to follow a story anywhere “because of my commitment to the job.

“And I am so proud of the team,” he said of his colleagues at the network. “I’m happy to be one of their teammates. … And you don’t hear that from a lot of anchors.

“I can’t believe how lucky I am to be working with people like this,” Cuomo said.

“That doesn’t mean there aren’t frustrations in business,” he said.

But “I’m sorry I got us distracted to give them an opening to play this bulls–t angle,” he told listeners of critics.

“Not only am I not looking to quit my job,” Cuomo said, he only wants to work harder and better.

He said he is battling a constant low-grade fever since contracting the coronavirus — and that his wife is now not feeling well, adding to his current uneasiness.

“My wife is losing her sense of smell and is freaking out,” he said, referring to a symptom of the virus.

“It never ends. We’re in a constant state of mild panic.”

A CNN rep, responding to Cuomo’s meltdown Monday, told The Post on Tuesday, “Chris is not talking about CNN and changing his job as an anchor.

“He’s talking about changing how to do the job. He’s referring to the politics and media culture, not CNN.”

Additional reporting by Lee Brown