
Stringer subpoenas City Hall for coronavirus records de Blasio ‘refused’ to provide

City Comptroller Scott Stringer subpoenaed City Hall on Thursday for all records relating to the Big Apple’s response to the coronavirus pandemic — because, he said, Mayor Bill de Blasio refused to cough up the information.

“The city has refused to provide my office with any of the documents we need to conduct this investigation or even suggest a date when they would start producing them,” Stringer fumed.

Stringer wants “documents received, created, or issued by city government officials and agencies related to the public emergency and its potential impact on residents and businesses in advance of the March 22nd statewide stay-at-home order.”

The comptroller, who is running to replace the term-limited de Blasio in 2021, requested the information on a rolling basis on May 14. At the time, a mayoral spokeswoman said City Hall welcomed the probe.

Mayoral spokeswoman Avery Cohen blasted Stringer’s move.

“The issuance of a subpoena, when we are willing to work with the Comptroller, is nothing more than a political stunt.

“In the spirit of transparency, the Administration has taken all the necessary measures to preserve all documents responsive to the Comptroller’s extremely broad request without sacrificing the critical resources, personnel, and time that are necessary to preserve the health of New Yorkers and save lives,” Cohen said.

Stringer called the administration’s “refusal to comply with our investigation is unacceptable.”

“I am therefore issuing a subpoena for these documents, which should be turned over to our investigators expeditiously. Open and honest government is what New Yorkers deserve, and my office demands nothing less,” he said.

Stringer’s investigation focuses on the mayor’s preparation for and response to the pandemic.

Throughout March and April, de Blasio constantly warned that the city could run out of PPE, ventilators and hospital capacity.

De Blasio and his officials have faced criticism for exacerbating the crisis by waiting too long to shut down the city.

On March 15, the day before closing the Big Apple’s bars and eat-in restaurants, de Blasio urged New Yorkers to hit their local watering holes for one last pint.

At the time, the city had 330 confirmed cases and five deaths from COVID-19. Just four days later, there were 2,468 cases and 22 deaths.