US News

BLM protesters march outside GOP leader Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky home

Black Lives Matter and other protest groups marched outside the home of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in Kentucky early Friday.

The GOP leader lives in Louisville, which has been rocked by racial discord particularly over the March 13 fatal shooting of black local EMT Breonna Taylor at the hands of three white cops during a botched home raid.

“BREONNA COULDN’T SLEEP. NEITHER SHOULD MITCH,” read one of the banners held by some of the roughly 30 protesters, who staged the hourlong march from 6 to 7 a.m., according to the Louisville Courier-Journal and Newsweek.

It wasn’t clear whether McConnell or any of his family was home at the time.

The group that organized the effort was the Sunrise Movement, which describes itself as “an army of young people to stop the climate crisis and create millions of good jobs in the process” on its Facebook page. The group was joined by local BLM organizers, Newsweek said.

Marchers said they are supporting a potential Democratic challenger to McConnell, Charles Booker, who faces a primary election vote next week.

“Not only are we wide awake to the problems that we face, but we’re also wide awake to the solutions that we need,” protester Maxwell Farrar of the Sunrise Movement told the Courier-Journal.

“We’re not here to just complain on the Internet. We’re here to get the solutions we need. We know, from the hood to the holler, Kentuckians know we need change right now.”

Earlier this month, McConnell filed a resolution that called Taylor’s death one of the “apparent instances of unjust police violence.”

Louisville’s acting police chief issued a letter Friday saying he is firing one of the cops involved in her shooting amid increasing calls for swifter justice, including from Beyonce.