
Tulsa imposes curfew ahead of Trump rally to prevent protests

The mayor of Tulsa, where President Trump plans to hold his first campaign rally in months, has announced a last-minute curfew to prevent potentially violent protests as thousands of people stream into the Oklahoma city for the event.

Mayor G.T. Bynum said in an executive order that the curfew, which began Thursday night, will be in effect until Sunday from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m.

Trump supporter stands out BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Getty Images

A “federal exclusion zone” was established in the vicinity of the 19,000-seat Bank of Oklahoma (BOK) Center “in the interest of national security” as protests have been planned in response to the rally, the Republican mayor’s order states.

“As Mayor, I have received information from the Tulsa Police Department and other law enforcement agencies that shows that individuals from organized groups who have been involved in destructive and violent behavior in other States are planning to travel to the City of Tulsa for purposes of causing unrest in and around the city,” Bynum said in his order.

Police said on Twitter “that many people are unaware that a curfew will be in place and barricades are still in the process of being [set up].”

The department said that “if we find anyone in violation of the Executive Order this evening, we will request that they leave the area based on the curfew.

Trump supporters camp outside the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Trump supporters camp outside the BOK Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.Reuters

“If people refuse to leave the area, they may be cited or arrested. This is an unprecedented event for the City of Tulsa and has hundreds of moving parts, we are asking for everyone’s help in making this a safe event for all citizens,” police added.

The BOK Center, where Trump will hold the rally Saturday, has requested that his campaign provide a plan for “health and safety measures” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Meghan Blood, director of marketing for the venue, cited the city Health Department’s recent reports of spikes in COVID-19 cases and the state’s “encouragement for event organizers to follow CDC guidelines,” CNN reported.