
Twitter deletes Trump ‘racist baby’ video

Twitter has deleted a video President Trump tweeted on Thursday of a “racist baby” in an attack on CNN’s coverage.

A spokesperson for the social network told NBC News the video was removed after the copyright owner complained.

“We respond to valid copyright complaints sent to us by a copyright owner or their authorized representatives,” the spokesperson said.

The video racked up more than 20 million views before it was deleted — an action that Trump’s likely to cite as alleged bias by the social network.

The video depicts a white baby running after a black baby, which, in context, shows the two toddlers playing together.

The Trump video was mocked up to appear as though it was news footage from CNN. “Breaking news: Terrified toddler runs from racist baby,” a phony news banner says in a bid to make the case that the network takes things out of context and then presents a skewed story.

The Trump-tweeted video concluded with a message: “America is not the problem. Fake news is.”

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended Trump, saying it was clearly a parody.

“He was making a point that CNN has regularly taken him out of context,” McEnany said.

Twitter added a “manipulated media” warning to Trump’s tweet before deleting the video. Trump said Friday morning he faces a double standard, tweeting, “Why are the Democrats allowed to make fake and fraudulent ads. They should be called out.”