Yankees could train in Bronx after coronavirus spike in Florida

The Yankees’ plan in holding a second spring training ahead of a shortened season was to use George M. Steinbrenner Field and the nearby minor league complex for the workouts in Tampa, where there already were about 20 players working out.

However, that plan now likely will be altered as all MLB camps on Friday were closed for deep cleaning after a recent Florida spike in positive tests for the coronavirus. This came after the Phillies had members of their organization test positive in Clearwater, and the Blue Jays shut down their spring training facility in Dunedin because a player showed signs of the virus. Plus, the NHL’s Lightning closed their facility on Friday.

Before the MLB bombshell, those other developments had the Yankees internally talking about a move from Tampa to Yankee Stadium for an abbreviated spring training, according to a person with knowledge of the situation.

A final decision isn’t likely to be made until MLB and the players association agree on what a season will look like and when it will begin. Some teams have told coaching staffs to report to their big-league stadiums early next week in anticipation of an agreement being announced.

And it is unknown how the rise in coronavirus cases in Florida will factor into when/if a season will begin.

From a facility standpoint, Steinbrenner Field and the minor league facility is an easy choice over Yankee Stadium due to space that can handle a likely group of 60 players — 30 big-leaguers and 30 “taxi squad’’ players. Steinbrenner Field has three diamonds and the minor league facility has four compared to one in The Bronx. There is also more space to hit indoors and outdoors in Tampa compared to The Bronx. A Steinbrenner Field drawback is summer rains and heat.

From a safety standpoint, New York City, once the epicenter of the coronavirus, appears to be safer at the moment than Florida.

One hurdle to clear is Gov. Andrew Cuomo possibly forcing people leaving Florida for New York to quarantine themselves in the wake of the rising number of positive tests. How would that play out if the Yankees are scheduled to leave spring training to start the season at home?