
Video shows teen protester allegedly vandalizing NYPD camera at City Hall

The Occupy City Hall demonstrator whose arrest by plainclothes cops drew fury from pols and fellow protesters was caught orange-handed vandalizing NYPD cameras by Post photographers and the cops’ own lenses.

Photos and video show Nikki Stone, 18, standing on a pedestrian-crossing signal and using a broom dipped in orange paint to allegedly disable the clearly marked anti-crime device.

Scores of people witnessed the June 30 vandalism at the intersection of Centre and Chambers streets, with several clapping and hooting encouragement, the video shows.

After finishing the job, Stone tossed the broom to the ground and triumphantly raised her fist in the air to cheers from the crowd.

NYPD Chief of Detectives Rodney Harrison also tweeted a montage of video clips on Wednesday that cops said show Stone splashing a camera with paint from a bucket, holding a can of spray paint and manipulating the broom during the June 30 incident.

“The #NYPD welcomes peaceful protests. However, damage to NYPD technology that helps keep this city safe will never be tolerated,” Harrison wrote.

“These cameras are vital resources which help prevent and solve crimes throughout the city.

Stone, who the NYPD described as a Lower East Side transient was busted Tuesday by plainclothes Warrant Squad cops who tracked her down and grabbed her off the street as she marched with a group of fellow protesters in Kips Bay shortly before 6 p.m.

Her pals immediately turned on the plainclothes cops, tossing “rocks and bottles” at them as Stone was forced into an unmarked, gray Kia minivan, the NYPD claimed.

The arrest led to online allegations that Stone had been “snatched up” and “abducted,” even though one plainclothes officer clearly had a badge on his belt and a contingent of NYPD bike cops moved in almost immediately.

Stone was charged with criminal mischief in the June 30 incident and was also charged in four other incidents between June 19 and July 6, including for allegedly writing graffiti inside the Oculus at the World Trade Center.

But she got a hero’s welcome from about dozen Occupy City Hall protesters — and the Black Lives Matter movement’s New York leader, Hawk Newsome — when she was released from custody early Wednesday.

Her arrest sparked a surge in online donations to a GoFundMe page that was created on Saturday to raise $15,000 for Stone, “who has been experiencing houselessness” and “is in need of money for rent for several months as she finds a source of stable income,” organizer Emily Dick wrote.

But that goal was more than doubled by Wednesday evening, with the GoFundMe page listing about 1,200 donations, and saying, “1,214 people just donated.”

Stone’s mother, Brooklyn-based artist Carly O’Neil, tweeted Wednesday afternoon that Stone was “doing well and we appreciate all the concern.”

O’Neil also tweeted a link to an online document in which she identified Stone as a transgender woman who goes by the first name “Stickers.”

O’Neil alleged that Stone was “physically accosted by the arresting officers, which included several punches to the face as she started to panic and exhibited that anxiety in the moment.”

The mom also alleged that following her arrest, Stone wasn’t allowed “to access her contacts on her phone, in order to call me or anyone she was with prior to the arrest.”

When asked for comment, the NYPD pointed to remarks made earlier in the day by Chief of Department Terence Monahan, who said Stone’s arrest came after cops had her “under observation for half an hour” but tried to avoid busting her “in front of everyone.”

“She comes up to them, goes up to the car and starts cursing ‘em out… and starts calling other protesters over,” Monahan told WABC-TV.

“The officers drive off. She follows them, slightly off the route, and as she approaches the car again, the officers wave to the uniform cops that are in the area…they grab her and place her under arrest.”

Monahan also said that “people can’t rush to judgment” based on video of the arrest, saying, “She came up to them. She followed them off the set. They had to make that arrest. At that point, this is what we do. We lock people up who commit crimes in New York City.”