
Trump continues to get support from key age group ahead of election, poll finds

President Trump continues to enjoy the support of voters under age 50, with 55 percent of those ages 35 to 49 giving him a positive approval rating, according to a poll.

The last Hill-HarrisX poll, released Sept. 8, showed the 35-49 group giving the president a slightly higher approval rating of 57 percent, according to Newsweek.

In the latest poll from Monday, although 35 percent of those in the age group said they “strongly disapprove” of Trump, another 33 percent said they “strongly approve” and 21 percent “somewhat approve,” the mag reported.

Only 10 percent said they “somewhat disapprove” of the commander-in-chief.

Meanwhile, voters 65 and older disapproved of the president by 57 percent, the poll found — as several surveys have shown his standing with seniors descending amid the coronavirus pandemic, Newsweek reported.

And across the remaining age groups, disapproval numbers were similar — with a 58 percent majority of the 50-64 demographic disapproving, and the 18-34 group disapproving by 56 percent, the poll found.

The survey also found that men overall were more likely to approve of Trump, with 54 percent approving and 46 percent disapproving. Among women, 41 percent approved and 59 percent disapproved.

Along racial lines, a 55 percent majority of white voters approved of the president, compared to 25 percent of black voters and 37 percent of Hispanics, according to the poll, which found Trump’s approval rating among all voters was 48 percent, a 1 percentage-point jump from Sept. 8.

The poll was conducted among 2,804 registered voters online between Friday and Monday. It has a margin of error of 1.9 percentage points.