Delonte West goes into rehab after Mark Cuban reunites him with mother

Delonte West is finally getting help.

The 37-year-old NBA veteran, who has publicly battled bipolar disorder, substance abuse issues and homelessness, has entered a rehab facility in Florida, with the help of Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, according to multiple reports.

Having seen multiple heartbreaking videos on social media showing West’s struggles, Cuban contacted West’s mother, Delphina Addison, and offered his help, according to The Athletic. Cuban then picked up the former Mavericks guard at a Dallas gas station on Monday, and waited with West until Addison arrived at a nearby hotel. The “Shark Tank” star will pay for West’s rehab stay.

West, whose eight-year NBA career ended with a 44-game stint with the Mavericks in 2011-12, had recently been pictured holding a sign on a Dallas street, asking for assistance. Earlier in the year, West was captured on tape handcuffed and shirtless, following a physical altercation with a man he knew in Maryland.

West, who starred alongside Jameer Nelson at Saint Joseph’s, earned $16 million in his career while averaging 9.7 points and 3.6 assists per game.